Driving Medication Adherence with Behavioral Science
Healthcare De Jure podcast – Dr. Chandra Osborn, Chief Behavioral Officer at AdhereHealth, joined Matt Fisher with Healthcare De Jure
AdhereHealth™ delivers purpose-built, solutions that align behavioral science, advanced technology and expert clinical outreach to optimize value-based performance and MLR.
We partner with managed care organizations, self-insured employers and other risk-bearing entities to engage members across the risk spectrum—including the highest-risk, hardest-to-reach populations. By addressing social determinants of health (SDOH) and behavioral barriers and leveraging our proprietary predictive analytics and intelligent workflow software, we deliver personalized interventions that enhance medication adherence and improve health equity.
Through evidence-based telepharmacy outreach techniques from our nationwide team of licensed clinicians, AdhereHealth drives measurable improvement in government-sponsored pay-for-performance programs and value-based cost reduction initiatives.
Increase Star Ratings and excel in P4P programs in your highest-risk members by addressing SDOH and medication adherence with targeted solutions rooted in behavioral science.
Leverage AdhereHealth's healthcare technology, available on its own as SaaS and underlying all our proprietary solutions, to drive maximized value-based reimbursement and cost reduction.
Maximize reduction of drug therapy problems (DTPs) and improve medical cost savings through predictive analytics with aligned medical and prescription claims review, plus other opportunities for additional savings.
AdhereHealth programs drive Part D performance improvement* by targeting at-risk members and resolving SDOH challenges to achieve and maintain adherence.
Our solution provides:
Our SDOH-first approach is powered by our proprietary Adhere Platform and utilizes sophisticated daily predictive analytics, which leverage a combination of plan-provided data and publicly available SDOH data, to identify members at risk of non-adherence. Our robust healthcare analytics (available as SaaS or in tandem with our nationwide clinician team) empower the efforts of outreach clinicians to help members tackle the barriers to adherence. This paves the way for long-term, longitudinal adherence and increased performance on Part D / pharmacy measures for government-sponsored lines of business (Medicare, Medicaid and Exchange plans).
We impact the following measures:
*Addressing the needs of Medicare, Medicaid and QHP Exchange plans
Healthcare De Jure podcast – Dr. Chandra Osborn, Chief Behavioral Officer at AdhereHealth, joined Matt Fisher with Healthcare De Jure
Medical Economics – Healthcare’s next frontier isn’t just about treating illness—it’s about driving sustainable behavior change. By combining technology- and
Trending NOW podcast – Our Chief Behavioral Officer, Dr. Chandra Osborn, was interviewed as part of the Trending NOW podcast