
Doctor holding tablet with 5 stars

The Clock is Ticking: How to Prepare for the 2024 Health Equity Index (HEI) with a Midyear Adherence Program 

2024 is slated to be a big year for Medicare Advantage plans, with some major changes to the Star Ratings

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woman looking at data on a screen

What do changes to the QI Hold Harmless provision mean for Medicare Advantage plans? 

The quest for continuous improvement is a hallmark of the Medicare Advantage program. The Star Ratings system holds MA plans

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Dr. holding piggy bank

Driving Medical Cost Savings Through Enhanced Drug Therapy Problem (DTP) Resolution

For health plans, driving value is critical. It helps ensure that provided care enables members to achieve positive health outcomes,

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man holding medication

What MA Plans Need to Know About Proposed 2026 Part D Star Ratings Measures

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) demand that Medicare Advantage plans remain continuously effective through the provision of

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Navigating Changes to the MA Star Ratings Medication Reconciliation Post Discharge and Plan All-Cause Readmission Measures

As Medicare Advantage continues to get more popular among consumers, CMS is sharply focused on ensuring that quality and service

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Medication Therapy Management

Medication Therapy Management: Increased CMR Costs Can be Offset by Closing Drug Therapy Problem (DTP) Gaps that Reduce MA Medical Costs

Polypharmacy without vigilant oversight presents significant risks for health plan members, particularly those with complex health needs and non-clinical stressors

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older couple at grocery store getting vegetables

Resolving Health Disparities with the Health Equity Index for Medicare Advantage Plans

CMS is upping the ante on resolving health disparities with its latest proposed rule for the Medicare Advantage (MA) Star

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Don’t Fall Behind: What Medicare Advantage (MA) Plans Need to Know about 2024 Proposed Star Ratings Rules

The Medicare Advantage Star Ratings never stop changing, making it imperative for health plans to stay one step ahead of

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2022 Blog Roundup: Medication Advantage, Health Equity Were Top of Mind this Year

It’s almost time to say goodbye to 2022, but not before we take a moment to reflect on a big

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Beating the Odds in Medicare Advantage’s “Survival of the Fittest” Environment

Health plans need to secure high Star Ratings to survive in the Darwinist world of Medicare Advantage. What do plans

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